Attendance and Conduct
Research has proven that good attendance has a positive correlation with achievement and attainment.If your child is absent from school we will notify you by text and make follow up phone calls to ensure they are accounted for and kept safe.
The Cedars Academy expects and promotes positive behaviour and respect for each other. We believe that all pupils should be aware of the standards of behaviour that are expected of them and take responsibility for promoting these standards. Through the use of our behaviour policy, we support all of our pupils in developing a high level of social awareness.
The Academy takes all reasonable measures to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all pupils and staff, including protection from bullying. We aim to combat bullying and other harmful behaviour using, amongst others, preventative strategies through the active development of pupils’ social, emotional and behavioural skills.
However, we operate a zero tolerance approach to pupils who persistently bully other pupils. When bad behaviour does take place, there is an expectation that appropriate sanctions will be applied. These are clearly understood by pupils and adults, and are consistent across all areas.