Pastoral Care
At The Cedars Academy we pride ourselves on making sure that our school not only offers the best academic opportunities, but is also able to provide a pastoral system which focuses on safety, well-being, and enriching pupil educational experiences. We aim for The Cedars Academy to be caring, welcoming and inclusive.
Tutor System
At The Cedars Academy, pupils will join a tutor group where they will be supported by their form tutor, head of year, pupil manager and a link senior leader. Form tutors are the main point of contact for any pupil and will be the first point of contact for parents/carers. Form tutors meet with their tutor group every day and a range of activities occur to ensure that pupils are ready and organised for the day ahead. Form tutors will have daily discussions with pupils concerning their progress and can also raise relevant issues with a range of other people, such as the head of year, pupil manager, special needs co-ordinator and school nurse.
All pupils follow a Tutor Programme, which gives them the opportunity to focus on well-being and an awareness of key issues. The activities also allow tutees to explore aspects of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) and British Values which are a focus on a Friday across the school. Tutoring also centres on helping to raise pupil aspirations and developing an understanding of future education and career pathways this is supported through our Careers Adviser, our links with local employers through the LLEP and our Enterprise Adviser.
This work is supported by a weekly assembly during which SMSC themes are emphasised and pupils’ achievements are celebrated and rewarded.