
Pupil Premium is additional funding that the Government gives to schools and colleges – this funding is targeted at pupils facing the greatest disadvantage.

The Government believes that Pupil Premium is the most effective way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for Free School Meals and their wealthier peers. Pupil Premium is therefore provided to any child currently eligible for Free School Meals that the college is aware of, and to any child who has at any stage in the past six years been eligible – children in care, and those who have spent at least one day in the care system, and the children of parents who are serving in the armed forces, are also eligible.

The use of Pupil Premium is the responsibility of each individual school/college, however it is assumed that the funding should be used to remove barriers to learning and ensure that each pupil participates fully in all aspects of college life and reaches his/her full potential.

Each year in January, every school/college completes a census which captures the pupils who are in receipt of Free School Meals – this information is then sent to the Government who issue the funding.