Speech & Language Centre
Our Centre is a provision for children and young people with a Statement of Educational Needs or Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) whose primary needs lie in the area of speech, language and communication.Children and young people are allocated places in the Speech and Language Centre by the Local Authority Special Educational Needs Assessment service.
The Centre is an integral part of The Cedars Academy with staff and pupils fully involved in the academic and social life of the school. Our philosophy is to provide an inclusive environment for the pupils so that they benefit from a range of learning opportunities and quality first teaching. All pupils are taught by subject specialists, who have received training in best practice, and provided with a carefully structured programme to meet his or her individual needs. This may include one to one work, small group work and the support of specialist staff.
Our specialist staff provide a language-adapted curriculum with appropriate differentiation to aid learning. The team works collaboratively with teaching staff: training staff about speech, language and communication impairments, sharing information about pupils’ strengths and areas of need and providing strategies to enable pupils to access the curriculum.
Our Speech and Language Therapists works collaboratively with staff to offer pupils appropriate support. There are weekly language groups led by the therapists and they are also involved with assessment, monitoring pupil progress, planning interventions for pupils and target setting. We have a suite of classrooms and work areas within the Centre to provide pupils with a stimulating and exciting work environment. We are keen for parents and carers to visit our Centre and meet with our staff.
If you wish to visit the centre, please contact us and we will be happy to arrange a tour - telephone 0116 267 7107