
Studying Science at KS4 – AQA Combined Science (trilogy) and Separate Science
Year 9 & 11: 5 hours per week. Year 10: 4 Hours per week.

Year 9

  • Biology: cell biology, organisation
  • Chemistry: atomic structure and the periodic table, bonding, structure and the properties of matter
  • Physics: energy, electricity

Lessons are taught with the support of booklets and each unit is assessed through end of topic testing
Pupils will sit an end of year exam on all GCSE topics taught in year 9

Year 10

  • Biology: infection and response, bioenergetics
  • Chemistry: quantitative chemistry, chemical changes, energy changes
  • Physics: particle model of matter, atomic structure

Lessons are taught with the support of booklets and each unit is assessed through end of topic testing
Pupils will sit an end of year exam on all GCSE topics taught in year 10

Year 11

  • Biology: inheritance, variation and evolution, ecology
  • Chemistry: bonding, structure and the properties of matter, quantitative chemistry, the rate and extent of chemical change, chemical changes
  • Physics: electricity, waves, magnetism (and space for triple physics only)

Pupils will sit 2 mock exams in year 11 (full paper 1 and paper 2)