Key Stage 4 Overview
Year 10 and Year 11
Our current KS4 offer in Years 10 and 11 includes three separate pathways, designed to ensure that student receive a curriculum offer that’s right for them and provides the necessary level of support and challenge. Within these pathways, there remains a range of choices for Cedars students to choose from.
In Y10 students will opt for an additional level 2 qualifications. Our pathways encourage students to fulfil the EBacc, as these subjects ensure that all doors to future careers remain open and provide a broad and balanced curriculum. In addition to the core subjects of English (literature and language), maths, double award science, history/geography, RE, MFL for the Ebacc pathway, students can also select a further two options from the following subjects: BTEC Performing Arts, GCSE Product Design, CNAT Health and Social Care, GCSE Fine Art, CNAT Sports and Fitness, BTEC Construction, CNAT iMedia, GCSE Food and Nutrition, GCSE Computer Science, GCSE Music, GCSE Media Studies, GCSE French/Spanish (Core and Applied pathways) and GCSE religious studies Students
The curriculum model in Years 10 & 11
5 lessons
5 lessons*
5 lessons*
1 lesson
2 lessons