January 24, 2025

Preparing for Success: Year 11 Mock Interview Workshop
On Wednesday 22nd January, we held a mock interview workshop for our Year 11 pupils at The Cedars Academy.The event was attended by a range of representatives and volunteers from the local Birstall community and beyond, encompassing diverse businesses and professional backgrounds.
Each pupil took part in a 20-minute interview with one of the visitors, closely mimicking the experience they may encounter should they apply to university and other job roles in the future.
After their interviews, the cohort were each given verbal and written feedback, highlighting the positives and providing constructive tips to improve in the future.
The day, organised by our dedicated Careers Department, was a huge success and went a long way to ensuring our pupils are prepared to enter the world of work.
A huge thank you to all of our volunteers for giving up their time to support us with this event.